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VALUEworks assists global families in preserving and growing their assets in a sustainable, values-driven way. Our holistic investment advisory process guides you to achieve clarity, confidence and control of your family's financial affairs.

Unlike other family offices, VALUEworks does not act as an asset manager. Instead, as prudent and fully independent investment adviser to global families, we take family values, individual life stages and the overall wealth into account. At the same time, we empower family members to become responsible and informed wealth owners capable of making key investment decisions themselves.

Together with your family, we develop the top-down overall investment strategy and asset allocation, across all asset classes. We support you in selecting custodian banks, and asset managers and other financial service providers that understand your values and needs. We review performances and provide customised reporting and consolidation services. Our team supports you with compliance and administrative tasks, and takes the lead in negotiating the fees and terms of engagement.